How Does Thumb Sucking Affect Teeth?

how does thumb sucking affect teeth franklin lakes nj

It is typical to see babies sucking their thumbs, but after a certain age, many parents can’t help but get a little worried. New parents often wonder how thumb sucking affects teeth. Some people may tell you that thumb sucking is perfectly normal, while others have said it leads to developmental problems in teeth.


What Is Normal Thumb Sucking Behavior?

Infants often suck their thumbs and use pacifiers without having any detrimental effects. It actually soothes the baby especially during teething, so thumb sucking is completely normal for an infant. However, by the time your child turns two years old, it is important to stop him them from this behavior. By two of age, thumb sucking may prevent the jaws from growing properly. Thumb sucking may also harm your child’s bite and create changes in their dental palate.

How Can I Discourage Thumb Sucking?

how does thumb sucking affect teeth franklin lakes njThis is actually not as difficult as you might expect. Using a reward system to get your child to stop sucking his or her thumb is a very effective method. Every day your child doesn’t engage in the behavior, provide a fun yet healthy reward such as a snack or toy. Also, don’t be afraid to ask a Franklin Lakes orthodontist such as Dr. Lorino for help.

How Does Thumb Sucking Affect Teeth?

When a child sucks their thumb, the force causes teeth to tip forward. As a result, various types of of malocclusions may occur, resulting in the need for orthodontics such as braces or Invisalign later in life. These types of malocclusions include:

  • Anterior open bite – a condition where the upper & lower posterior teeth are touching when the patient bites down.
  • Posterior crossbite – when front teeth overbite and the molars underbite, creating misalignment.
  • Anterior excessive overjet – A deep overbite where the top teeth significantly hang over the bottom teeth.

Finding Out How Thumb Sucking Affects Teeth In Franklin Lakes NJ

Dr. Lorino and the team at Smiles By Lorino are experts in orthodontics. We are happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have pertaining to braces or Invisalign in Franklin Lakes NJ, Wyckoff NJ, and the surrounding areas of Bergen County NJ. Contact Smiles By Lorino to schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Lorino today. Call now (201) 891-7400.