Halloween is the holiday of candy and lots of sugar and lots of sugar can be problematic for braces. If you have braces and plan on Trick or Treating this Halloween, Smiles by Lorino Orthodontics in Morris County has some helpful hints on braces and Halloween candy.
One issue with braces and candy is that eating too many sweets can leave sugar under your braces and lead to tooth decay if not treated properly. So it is important that you don’t let dental health become a scary affair, so be sure to brush and floss after your Halloween outings. Dr. Lorino says this will dislodge any candy and other foods stuck in the braces (and is just good dental hygiene you should be practicing daily).
Generally any sticky, hard, chewy or crunchy foods should be limited or avoided. The American Association of Orthodontics recommends avoiding: caramel, nuts, licorice, jelly beans, hard pretzels, bubble gum, candy corn, lollipops, taco chips and ice. An off-limits treat now and then is acceptable but be sure to brush and floss afterwards and when it comes to hard, crunchy items, chew lightly.
When Trick or Treating this Halloween in Morris County area, Dr Lorino says to avoid these candies which are bad for your braces.
Sour candies have a large amount of acid. It’s that acid that makes you pucker. And the acids in sour candies wear down the enamel on your teeth. Without the enamel coating, your teeth can be brittle in addition to exposing some nerves. Smiles by Lorino Orthodontics highly recommends brushing, or at a minimum, rinsing your teeth with a fluoride mouthwash after eating sour candies to get under your braces where there is sugar.
Hard candies take longer to dissolve so it’s like bathing your teeth in sugar and acid. The sugar stays in your mouth longer, and the longer the sugar is in your mouth, the more vulnerable your teeth are to cavities. Smiles by Lorino Orthodontics encourages brace wearing patients to brush and/or rinse.
Sticky, chewy candies are not the best of friends with braces and teeth. Candies that include taffies, caramels, and peanut butter or are nut filled leave a sticky residue on your teeth and gums. These candies act like an adhesive for bacteria which leads to tooth decay. Again,brushing is best.
While trick or treating in Morris County, Smiles by Lorino Orthodontics recommends you take care of your braces by limiting your sweet intake and brushing afterwards. Stay safe and bring a toothbrush!