Can You Gift Someone Invisalign?

Give the gift of Invisalign

Can you gift someone Invisalign®? Yes, you certainly can give the gift of Invisalign to someone you love. Not only that, but it’s an excellent gift that will last a lifetime! And every time they smile, your loved one will have a reminder of your wonderful and thoughtful gift!

Can You Gift Someone Invisalign?

Although there are some reasons that you may hesitate to give the gift of Invisalign®, there is an overwhelming number of good reasons to add this to your shopping list. The first thing people typically think of when considering Invisalign as a gift is that they don’t want to offend the recipient.

If you know a friend, special someone, or family member uncomfortable with their smile, Invisalign can be a great gift. Whether they cannot afford the treatment on their own, or just the type of person who never thinks about themselves, offering the path to a great smile can be life-changing for them.

Whether you are looking for the perfect holiday gift, a graduation present, or a special milestone birthday, you can’t go wrong with Invisalign®.

Why Invisalign Makes a Perfect Gift

While many people might think you are offering a silent reminder that their smile is imperfect, the opposite is true. By gifting Invisalign®, you are telling that person that they mean the world to you, and you want their perfect smile to match their perfect personality.

With Invisalign® treatment, you are offering an excellent opportunity. Among the many advantages of Invisalign are increased self-esteem and a boost in confidence. The change will radiate through their personal and professional life. Invisalign is a gift that offers years of happiness.

Invisalign® is a highly suitable orthodontic treatment. There are no dietary restrictions, and the trays are removable for eating, oral hygiene, and drinking. They are comfortable and offer a discreet way to straighten a smile without brackets and wires.

Because the trays are almost invisible, which is why many teens and adults prefer the trays over traditional metal braces. The result — straight teeth — are easier to keep clean and maintain. In short, you are also gifting a healthier smile with fewer cavities and a lower risk of tooth decay.

Precision Treatment with a Lasting Effect

Invisalign® treatment utilizes the latest in orthodontic technology. The process begins with an initial consultation. At Smiles by Lorino, the initial consultation is complimentary. The doctor will look at X-rays, digital images and conduct an oral examination.

The doctor will create digital images using 3D scanner technology. The intraoral scanner can take up to 6,000 images per second. The images work directly with powerful computer-aided design software to create an interactive 3D “map” of the mouth’s interior.

Using the software and years of orthodontic knowledge, the doctor will plot the most efficient tooth movement to align the smile perfectly. Invisalign® trays are computer-designed and created for each step of the treatment plan using SmartTrack® material.

For severe alignment problems, orthodontists have the option of using SmartForce® attachments with Invisalign. These small, tooth-colored nubs affix to teeth in certain areas to add extra pressure where necessary. Although not everyone will need these attachments, they are another great option that expands the treatment capabilities.

Once a treatment plan for Invisalign® is created, the doctor will discuss the procedure in depth. The discussion will include the entire process from start to finish.

22 Years of Proven Reliability

Invisalign® was initially intended only to correct minor alignment problems. However, Align Technology realized that expanding the capabilities of Invisalign would be beneficial. It took them more than eight years and testing over 260 polymers to develop SmartTrack® material. Now this durable material is the backbone of Invisalign’s success.

One smile at a time, Invisalign® continues to amass a significant number of successful smile transformations. Solving alignment problems from minor to complex, Invisalign boasts more than 11 million beautiful smiles.

Invisalign® is not just great for adults. There are treatment plans available for children as young as seven with Invisalign First®. Invisalign Teen® is for active teenagers and fits into school life perfectly.

Both of these treatments offer an optional blue dot monitoring system. The dot monitoring permits parents to ensure that their child or teen is wearing the trays correctly.

Although the product will never catch up to traditional braces, which have been around since the 1700s, 22 years and 11 million smiles is a pretty impressive track record.

How Invisalign Works

Traditional braces work using the principle of tension. After affixing brackets to teeth, the orthodontist tightens a wire between the brackets. The tension creates the force that moves teeth by pulling them into the correct position. Invisalign® works similarly but uses gentle pressure to push teeth into alignment.

Trays are custom-fit and worn over the teeth for 20 to 22 hours per day. Trays come in sequenced sets, and about every two weeks, the patient shifts to a new tray set. Each set gradually moves teeth toward its final, aligned position.

With each shift to a new tray set, the smile becomes straighter. Although some treatment plans can be as short as three to months, the average treatment duration is 12 to 18 months. Many factors are involved in determining the length of treatment. The most significant single factor is the degree of misalignment.

How to Give the Gift of Invisalign

To give the gift of Invisalign, you can do several things. The first is to place a note inside a card stating your intention. Instruct the recipient to locate an orthodontist and send you the bill. Although this would solve your immediate gift-giving dilemma, what if your recipient doesn’t have an orthodontist or is reluctant to contact one?


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Sometimes people want to have the hard part done — first contact. In that instance, you could find an orthodontist that offers a gifting program. Some of the things to also look for when shopping for someone else include:

  • A variety of convenient locations
  • Stellar reputation
  • Family practice serving different ages
  • More than one doctor
  • Compassionate, caring staff
  • Warm and inviting offices

All of that can be found at Smiles by Lorino! Contact them about their Give the Gift of Invisalign program.

All offices are using COVID-safe protocols to keep patients and staff safe. Your gift recipient can select the office that is most convenient for them.

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