Invisalign in Gillette What to Expect

You’ve consulted Smiles by Lorino Orthodontics in Gillette and have decided that Invisalign is the orthodontic treatment plan for you. Smiles by Lorino Orthodontics tells you what to expect with Invisalign.

Fortunately, Smiles by Lorino Orthodontics uses the iTero scanner which scans your mouth so you wouldn’t be subjected to messy mouth molds. The scanner predicts were your teeth will be every two weeks if you wear your aligners for the recommended 22 hours per day. The iTero scanner will send the evaluation to Invisalign and the aligners will be made.

Once the aligners arrive at Smiles by Lorino Orthodontics about two weeks after your initial visit, Dr. Lorino will apply attachments to your teeth. Just like regular braces, Invisalign uses attachments under the clear aligners to help straighten your teeth. The process of applying these attachments takes only a few minutes at Smiles by Lorino in Gillette. You are now ready for your first set of aligners.

Smiles by Lorino Orthodontics will now show you how to put in and take out your Invisalign aligners. This can take some practice but don’t worry; you’ll eventually get the hang of it. While your aligners are in, you may experience some increased saliva as your mouth gets use to the aligners. Dr. Lorino has had patients say that the aligners do make them slur a little bit at first. This should pass as you get use to your Invisalign.

Don’t forget that Invisalign is an orthodontic straightening system as are metal braces. So as your teeth shift, your jaw may ache from time to time. This should not alarm you but if you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the office in Gillette location. You’re now on your way to the beautiful smile you always wanted and Smiles by Lorino Orthodontics is happy to be your orthodontist.